Corporate Online Butchers

Welcome to Country Food Services Corporate Online Butchers corporate page.  To learn more about how Country Food Services can benefit your business or group, navigate through our corporate information using the following links below.

EC Approved Corporate Online Butchers Supply Chain

Wondering the exact path your groups meat will move through? Our EC approved supply chain page explains in further details.

Why Us As Your Collective Online Butchers

Still wondering whats so special about our Corporate Online Butchers? Check out our why us page to see how we can specifically benefit your group.

Our Operation Area

Interested to know whether we are big enough to cover your groups locations? Head to our operation area to confirm our national operation radius.

Our Clients

Want to find our more info about whether we have enough experience to deal with your large group? Check out our clients.

Our Commercial Prices

So you’ve read everything you need to hear, now you need prices. Check out our standard price list in our Commercial Prices section. Get in touch with us LinkedIn

Contact us

Interested in obtaining a quote, a list of our meat selection or further details on our company, head to the Contact us section and drop us a line. Also Fallow us on our social chanels